A solid training of horse and rider is of most importance for me. Myself as a rider competing up to high level dressage (Inter I) together with many years of experience in the training and supervision of riding students, as well as horses and ponies of all ages and standards of training.

Every horse is unique, the same as his rider. This is why we need to create an individual training plan for every horse and rider combination.

The six points of the training scale should be a continues orientation for us. But the prerequisite is the harmony and togetherness, which will enable the best from our horse.

With patience, passion and understanding we stride to reach set goals with your horse. This can only be achieved with specific, individually constructed training, keeping in mind the physical and mental well-being of your horse at all times.

With our individual training methods, we offer the best preparation for upcoming competitions, championships or more qualifications.

Our Motto: Always with heart, never without understanding.